Making Better Bread Choices
It’s common knowledge that consuming too much white sugar can be hazardous to our health, but do you know that white flour reacts the same way in the body? Even though it doesn’t taste sweet, it breaks down into glucose and causes the same problems with blood sugar spikes that contribute to systemic inflammation, metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. In addition, white flour is devoid of any real nutritional value, so the calories we consume are empty.
Whole wheat contains many nutrients including vitamins (vitamin E, vitamin B6 and niacin) and minerals (selenium, magnesium and phosphorus), as well as fiber, protein and antioxidants. White flour is lacking fiber and nutrients which slow digestion, so it is broken down and absorbed rapidly, spiking your blood sugar level and causing the excess sugar to be stored as fat. This flour is often bleached with a few synthetic lab-created vitamins added to replace what was lost; this is called “enriched.” Of the dozens of vitamins and minerals that were stripped from the original grain only a few are replaced.
Any benefits to white flour? If you’re a manufacturer, the process that strips the grain of nutrients leaves flour with a finer texture, increases its shelf life and decreases its attractiveness to bugs. But if a bug won’t eat the flour because there is nothing to sustain its life, should you?
As long as you have no allergies or sensitivities to wheat, the best choice for bread is Ezekiel or a sprouted whole grain. The sprouting process increases the nutritional value. When you choose to eat bread, make it a healthy choice.